Natalie Prass has shared the second taste of her forthcoming second full-length The Future And The Past, which comes via ATO Records on 1 June. 'Sisters' is a joyous and empowering call-to-arms from the Virginia artist, developing her new disco-inspired angle and brilliantly following-up comeback single 'Short Court Style'. Of the track Prass explains, "This song was my warrior cry when I was losing hope. We demand equality for all marginalized groups, we demand safety in our neighborhoods, we demand safe health care and proper family leave, we demand better public schools for all classes, we demand equal pay & safety in our place of work. There are solutions to these issues and we need to stick together to solve them. When one ship rises, we all rise. Keep your sisters close. WE ARE WORLD WIDE WORLD CLASS." Class indeed. - George O'Brien
